Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Devil's Paintbox by Victoria McKernan-A Review (YA Historical Fiction)

The Devil's Paintbox
Think of it as a suspense, thriller, orphans get a 2nd chance, potboiler of an adventure.

It's April 1865, the Lynch farm has been devastated by fire and drought, the last survivors of the family are Aiden,15, and sister Maddy, 13 and even though they made it through the winter who knows how much longer they'll last.

When Aiden meets Mr. Jackson and indentures himself as a logger in return for ferrying them across country in his wagon train the orphans see a chance at a new life. But that chance is 2,000 perilous miles away.

The pages are filled with action, new friends and treacherous acquaintances and the excitement of a new future.

Reviewed by Lynnette Phillips

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