Thursday, April 17, 2014

Accused by Lisa Scottoline #Review by Lynnette Phillips

Accused (Rosato & Associates, #12)Accused by Lisa Scottoline

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Some readers may not understand that a legal thriller doesn't necessarily have to have any courtroom drama involved. This one didn't. But Rosato & Associates are lawyers who will do whatever it takes for their clients and they seem to specialize in the underdog. So it's always an uphill battle toward the climax.

Mary DiNunzio has just become Bennie's partner in the firm -- now Rosato & DiNunzio -- she's still Mary though. Governed by her heart influenced and by a good dose of imagined guilt she jumps into their newest case with both feet. She's determined to free the innocent man in prison but it may cost her Judy's friendship and her new fiance.

I've long been a fan of Lisa Scottoline but am always surprised by the depth of emotion and feeling her characters communicate. In Accused, the trail leading to the real culprit is very cold, very dangerous and filled with long kept secrets but Mary DiNunzio is up for it.

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