Sunday, March 6, 2011

Review: The Shadowed Mind–A Dinah Harris Mystery by Julie Cave–The Second Novel of Her Trilogy

51WE8UprkgL._SL160_Once again Julie Cave has composed a tightly woven and intricately plotted page turner allowing her clearly outlined characters skillfully lead you through the story.

It’s been six months since Dinah Harris and the FBI parted company. Her last case with the FBI, which she came to think of as the Smithsonian murders, had forced her into rehab. Now she’s starting over as a freelance consultant--after all she had been a top profiler.

While struggling daily to maintain her sobriety, battling her own demons and trying begin a new career, Dinah answers the phone one morning to hear Washington DC Detective Sam Cage asking for her opinion on the murder of a street kid—in his experience it doesn’t seem typical. Could this become a string of killings?

Unfortunately Sam is right. As the body count adds up new theories are put to the test. Could the murderer think of his acts essentially as mercy killings? Is it possible that there is a movement in favor of “Social Darwinism” in the city? Maybe it’s as simple as who the murderer thinks is worthy of living. Past secrets and tragedies for those associated with the current case refuse to stay buried as Dinah and Detective Cage are led into a shadowy world.

Dinah and Sam seem to be finding more and more questions. Can they find the right answers soon enough?

Julie Cave started writing at the age of twelve and developed an interest in creation science at fifteen. She has combined the two and gone on to receive a degree in Health Science and is now working on a law degree.  

Shadowed Mind is the second novel of Julie Cave’s Dinah Harris trilogy. Published by New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books, it was released in November 2010. The third book in the series, Pieces of Light, will be available June 2011.

Julie lives on the east coast of Australia with her husband and daughter. Visit Julie’s website to view her blog and see other reviews.

Review by Lynnette Phillips, Avid Book Reviews

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